Wednesday, April 3, 2013

And What If We Were Free?

I have a question for the world today. What if women were free? What if? What if that battle that rages around us, inside us, was suddenly silenced? What if we all decided to stop caring about what culture tells us to care about. What if we all said ENOUGH. What if we decided for once and for all:

WE. Will. Not. Be. Reduced.

To a face, to a voice, to a body, to a size...

We would change the world.

It occurs to me as I sit here six months pregnant, that in order for me to create new life I have to give up on "my ideal body". I have to forgo my right to the stereotypical image of "sexy". Is it worth it? Every second, every pound, every new ripple and glimpse of cellulite. It's all worth it. I'm taking part in creating someone new, who will someday change the world. I could not do it with out letting go.

What if.

What if in order for us to truly do something solve the worlds issues, we have to let go and be something much more than a face, a voice, a body, a size, but instead be who we are - a force to be reckoned with. What if we have to let go, in order to "birth" what we were always meant to create? I'm not just talking children here. I'm talking businesses, movements, causes, art...

The end of human trafficking.

The end of world hunger.

Is it too much?

I disagree.

We are powerful. What if we were free?

When I was young we had a computer that would serenade me with Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech every time I opened a certain program. Because old computers took a long time to load anything I used that time to memorize.

I am inspired by his words:

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I am inspired by the power of his dream. I do not compare causes or injustices, but use his words as fuel to dare to believe that how things are today does not have to be our reality tomorrow.

What is your dream?

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